Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mono Fire Update – July 28, 2010 6:30 am - USFS Press Release with Photo

Date: Jul 28, 2010  Bishop, CA
 Contact(s): Nancy Upham

Mono Basin Fire
The Mono Fire burning in the Mono Basin Scenic Area grew to 1000 acres yesterday as strong erratic winds blew through the area.  Winds that blew on through the night caused some spotting over Highway 120, but fire crews were able to get them extinguished and the north flank of the fire was held at the highway.
Highway 120 East, Test Station Road, and the day use areas of South Tufa and Navy Beach on the shores of Mono Lake, all remain closed to public access at this time.
The fire is now 20% contained.
At this time there are 262 people assigned to the Mono Fire including crews and personnel from the Forest Service, CalFire, and BLM.  Volunteer fire departments and their equipment from Lee Vining, June Lake, Mammoth and Bishop are also assisting in the fire suppression effort.  The Mono County Sheriff’s Department is assisting with road closures.
Today there will be one helicopter, one helitanker and two airtankers supporting the efforts of engines and handcrews working to build and secure fire line.
The cause of the fire that started Monday afternoon at approximately 2:00, is still under investigation.
Nine other lightning caused fires have been suppressed and are being monitored in the Inyo National Forest and neighboring BLM lands since last Saturday.
For information about alternative sites to visit at Mono Lake please call the Scenic Area Visitor Center at 760-647-3044.
For more information on the Mono Fire go to the Mono Fire on www.inciweb.orgor call 760-873-2427.

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