Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Very Nice Rain

Friday, some moisture came in from the Pacific and even though I had very little time to spare, I headed out CA 167 and into a couple of nice downpours. When you live in the high desert, any rain is welcome and instills a desire to be in the rain. Even though it wasn't raining at my house, the air was filled with the sweet smell of wet sage. As I hit the road, it was disconcerting to see several lightning strikes in the mountains and the basin, but there were fire crews out in the field monitoring. I have not heard about anything burning, so we have been lucky so smoky valleys in the area. On bolt hit real near my car as I was close I felt it! I clicked a few pics and here they are:
Looking toward the hidden Sierra on CA 167. After I was near a killer flash flood in Death Valley back in 2004, I am always super cautious on days like this.....but the clouds weren't quite dark or low enough to put the total fear of God into me. But I kept my eyes on the washes and upslopes. When I entered the rain it was heavy enough to put the wipers on fast. 
A beautiful cloudburst over Mono Lake. It looks perfect to me. That is the same cell as the above photo I drove through.
Negit Island was so beautiful today. 
The weather station on NV 359 just west of Anchorite Pass hasn't been online for quite some time, but it sure is pretty.

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