Monday, July 19, 2010

Tuolumne River and Warren Canyon

Hiked a couple areas this weekend. First, bushwhacked for a couple hours along the river. Then decided to check out Warren Canyon, a side canyon of Lee Vining Canyon. The temps were perfect with a nice breeze at both places. Went with a couple of friends and had a great time, although they might have tired of my rattling off things that fascinated me.  A also took pics of quite a few species of flowers and will post them later....after I ID them properly. This is Lembert Dome in the background and an unknown group of people sitting by the river:
The River was flowing good and clear. I could imagine all the things that have flowed down it over the eons. 
Spotted this buck resting by a tree. We were about 50 yards away and he just looked at us. On the way back, we spooked him and he ran off.
Heading up Warren Canyon

This rock was split almost perfectly in half and the inside was super flat.

Blog author taking a break. Going through a broken foot and a gallbladder removal in the past five months, I feel pretty good these days and am getting back in shape.

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